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Summary of Question:What Does Name"Gurpreet" Means?
Date Posted:Monday, 10/01/2001 1:22 PM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh jio,

i want to knwo what does my name mean, does it mena gur ki preet? or something else... can u plz tell me what mu name mena. and does it(the name of mine) have any significent to this world or in my life?
gur fateh ji
Gurpreet kaur

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki fateh! Gurpreet means one who loves the Guru, or Guru's Beloved. The meaning for your life? Well, if I had a name that means beloved of the Guru, I'd take it quite seriously. I would do my best to observe the teachings of Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and make concious seva and devotional simran part of my daily routine. In other words, I would do my best to live up to the meaning of my name!

Guru ang sang,

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What Does Name"Gurpreet" Means? (10/01/2001)
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