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Summary of Question:Money Or Blessing?
Date Posted:Tuesday, 1/14/2003 1:36 PM MST

wjkk wjkf

I am a young sikh living in the uk not yet amritdhari but by guru ji's grace will be.
An incident happened to while I was doing langar de seva at my cousins akand path.Being not much sangat myself and the other woman started talking.A young amritdhari singh came up to have langar so I went and served him prashada he then tried to give me £20 note and said I wanted to see who got up to serve me langar. I told him I could not take it but he insisted and said something about everthing belonging to god.
I now am a bit confused on what to do with it I've been told it's a blessing and I should keep it and never spend it. I've also been told to do the same and give to someone like he did.Any suggestions would be vey helpful.
Thank you and may guru ji bless u
Dear one,
You can do what ever you like with that money. The money is called "Beta". Beta is what is given when nothing is asked for.

You are a young person. I would guess that the person who gave the "beta" was an adult. We adults give "beta" to children as a gift of encouragement. Here is a story for you about Pralaad, when he was a small.

When Pralaad was a child, his Mom encouraged him to meditate by placing sweets in front of when he opened his eyes at the end of his meditation, he found the sweets and felt very happy for having meditated. After time passed, he said to his Mom: "Mata ji, you do not need to place the sweets at my meditation, the meditation gives me all the sweetness and satisfaction that I could desire".

When children get up before the Sadh Sangat and sing kirtan, we always make a point of putting money down before them. We want to reward them for their devotional actions.

Someone has given you a gift. Accept it and use it in the way that brings you joy.

God bless you, SKKK
wjkk wjkf

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