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Summary of Question:Adoption Services - For Sikhs
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 12/27/2002 12:32 PM MST

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

Forgive me, but I will get straight to my question:
"Are there any services for Sikh couples wanting to adopt a baby from a Sikh orphanage in India?".

We are looking to adopt a child from India, who has some lineage to Sikhism. Based in Canada all adoption agencies I have found on the Internet are biased towards any religion but Sikhism. An orphanage in Panjab would present higher odds of fulfilling our dream? No? Is there such an institution as a Sikh Orphanage?
Your advice Please....Fateh!
Thank you for your getting "to the point".

There are many Sikh Orphanages. I know of 2 in Amritsar,1.Central Khalsa Yatim Khana (near Khalsa College) 2.Manukta da Ghar (run by Bibi Amarjeet Kaur).

The adoption process for a couple outside of India would be as follows.
The Orphanage in India would be able to transfer a child to an orphanage in USA.
Both institutions would need: permission to give the chid to the other orphanage.
2.both institutions would need ragistration as well.
It sounds like an ardurous process.
At presant, there is no direct system for a Sikh couple outside of India, to adopt from a Sikh Orphanage in India.

For further information contact: [email protected]
address to Jathadar Keshghar Sahib. Dr. Manjeet Singh

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