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Summary of Question:See The God
Date Posted:Friday, 3/29/2002 12:38 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akaal

Sometimes i become very sad and i feel like takling to God who can answer my questions, but if u say that try to feel him inside, and i try to do so then i just get is what peace but not answers. Then i just look at his picture and talk to him but i want response also from his side. How can one get all the answers to his questions? Also at that if meditation also works then also i think after sometime or somedays once again one starts feel like the same. Do u have answer for this? Pls

{REPLY): Sat Nam. When you say that you "look at his picture" -- what are you looking at? God is not a person --although God lives and breathes in every person! If you want to see God, you should look in the mirror and look into your own eyes! The eyes are the windows of the soul. Having all the "answers" to everything is still an intellectual achievement, that I don't think anyone can achieve -- but those saints and masters and Gurus who EXPERIENCED the God within them (and recognized God in all) -- they knew all the answers. In Japji Sahib, Guru Nanak talks about those who don't know, but talk, while those who know, don't. Guidance can and does come from within when we are able to get beyond the mind (beyond the fears and the wishful thinking - the duality of positive and negative) and become neutral -- this comes from meditation, and chanting of God's Name. I'm sure this isn't the answer you're wanting, but I hope you will give it some consideration, and keep on practicing your meditation. Simply quietly watching your breath, with eyes closed, and inhaling SAT and exhaling NAM for a few minutes helps to quiet the mind and tune you in to that TRUTH which is your true IDENTITY. Then pray for guidance, and see what comes. Blessings and best wishes for your success, SP

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