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Summary of Question:Vishkrama?
Date Posted:Saturday, 12/08/2001 4:12 PM MST

Dear sir,

I was looking for some information on Vishkrama I wonder if you can tell me a little about this please. I know many ramgahria sikhs believe in him. I'm a
little intrigued about him but would like to know more.

Thank you for your help.

Sat Nam. As a SIkh website, details on Hindu gods are not to be found here. I did a 'google' search and got this, with spelling of 'vishwakarma'.
You might want to go to and search this word yourself.

I am unfamiliar with what 'ramgahria' Sikhs are. It is not considered Sikh to WORSHIP anyone other than Ik Ong Kaar (the Creator of the Creation) and Sikhs BOW only to Siri Guru. It is another thing entirely to believe in the (past) existence of a great person and to be interested in his/her history. For example, I believe that Jesus lived and was a great teacher, but I do not worship Jesus.
Guru ang sang,

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