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Summary of Question:Journey Of Soul
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/02/2002 1:41 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal Ji

It was stated in one of the posts on this forum on Death and Coping that when a person dies, we shud chant AKAAL. What it mean by "AKAAL" - is it a shabad - I know by chanting akaal the soul will have a smooth journey to reach the infinite. But what does "akaal" means?

Also, when do we chant it - immediately upon death or during the funeral ceremony and if so at what stage? Do we just keep saying AKAAL ! AKAAL ! AKAAL !

Perhaps there are a group of shabad consist of Akaal hyms where u find solace for yourself and the soul?
(REPLY) AKAAL means "deathles" (Kal = death). So immediately after someone dies, we chant AKAL (PRONOUNCED AKAAL) three times (or five times.) It can be done again in the next Gurdwara during the Ardas. (When chanting, it should be done with a short syllable "a" and a long syllable "kaal" -- you can imagine you are calling on the Infinite to welcome Home the departing soul and this vibration is to make a path through the ethers.) SP
Is it a shabad ? What are the Akaal shabads to recite?

Thank you for your time.


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