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Summary of Question:Guru Nanak The Last Prophet?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/10/2004 11:09 AM MDT

who was the last prophet on earth ????........was it Guru Nanak????????

Sat Siri Akaal. That depends on (1) how you define prophet and (2) if you have decided that prophets will not come again.
This is not something we can answer. It is up to you and your belief structure. Sikhi does not take any stand that Nanak (or any other Guru) was the 'last prophet' and no others will ever be born. (Of course, the last physical Sikh Guru was and is Guru Gobind Singh, with Siri Guru Granth Sahib the Guru of ALL SIKHS.) In fact, it is misleading to consider a Guru as the exact same as a prophet. Please review recent posts by date for additional reply on the concept of prophet. Guru ang sang,

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Guru Nanak The Last Prophet? (06/10/2004)
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