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Summary of Question:Military Draft For Sikhs
Date Posted:Sunday, 10/10/2004 2:29 PM MDT

hi, my name is pritpal singh and i have been worrying about the war in iraq.

it's not been definet, but there may be a draft in the US for the war in iraq. the president and alot of other people already said that there won't be, but others say that there could be. i'm kind of scared because i just turned 18 and the draft is for people who are 18-26. i am a full sikh and i wear a turban also me, my dad, and my brother are raagis for several gurdwara's and commitees that are making a gurdwara. Just in case there is a military draft, can i tell the government that i can't be in the army because i can't cut my hair? i hope i can because when somebody is in the army, they have their hair nearly shaved off. Secondly, can i also tell them that i can't go to war because i do kirtan for several gurdwara commitees?

thank you very much

REPLY: Sat Nam. Your question actually requires several sorts of answers. First of all, keep in mind that worrying is praying for somthing you DON'T want! So just know that whatever happens will be God's will -- even though it may not be what we "want." Meanwhile, pray for peace - and for righteousness to prevail. You can definitely get verification that as an Amritdhari Sikh you cannot have your hair cut, and you must wear a turban. Tradtionally, Sikhs are warrior saints, so, I don't think you can claim to be a pacifist because of your religion. Based on my memory of what were called "Concientious Objectors" there were men (probably not Sikhs) who would not become regular soldiers because of their spiritual beliefs, but they did have to serve some time in other ways. So, try searching on the web for "Concientious Objectors" and see what information you can get that way, but above all, stop worrying! Keep doing your kirtan, keep praying, and keep your faith in God and Guru to guide you always and be with you - ANG SANG WAHE GURU. (And get your parents and any other relative and friends eligible to vote to be sure to be registered and to go to the polls this November 2nd!!!) Blessings, SP

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