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Summary of Question:Inter Cast Marriage
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 7/11/2003 6:24 AM MDT

Respected Sir/Madam,

I'm a hindu punjabi boy,25,khatri from punjab currently in UK for my higher education from university HAVING GOOD INFLUENCE OF SIKHISM FROM MY CHILDHOOD BECAUSE OF THAT DOING EVERYDAY JAPJI SAHIB AND SUKHMANI SAHIB PAATH IN THE MORNING AND DONT MISS ANY OPPURTUNITY TO VISIT GURUDWARA SAHIB IN EVERY WEEK,but as its young age i'm in love with Jat sikh girl from UK.We discuss everything with each other and found each other compatible for the rest of life as life partners.I have told my parents aswell as i'm the only son they said we are happy with your happiness but the problem comes with her parents they are well educated and working but still they bit backward even though living in this country because they dont like to marry their daughter to any one else then Jat Sikh boy.They even told their childern that its written somewhere in holy books that there is differnce between a Sikh and Hindu.So,my request to you is please tell me if there is any differnce in Sikh and Hindu,is that applied for marriages aswell.If there is no differnce then please advice me the way to guide her parents to let us marry?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. How would you raise your children? How would the commity accept you as a couple? Sikhs do not worship any personalized deity. Sikhs only worship the Word of God as embodied in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhs never cut their hair, and do wear turbans covering their hair in public. yes, the same One God breathes in all people, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Jains, Christians, but each religion has its own rules guiding way of worship, and for Sikhs, there is a code of conduct called the Rehit Maryada which provides the guidelines for living a righteous life. You sound like a sincere person, so I hope that you will investigate further and learn about the history of the Sikhs, and what each of the Ten Gurus taught, and that although we respect all other paths, we are striving to EXPERIENCE the God within us, rather than worshipping any form of God outside ourselves. Blessings, SP

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