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Summary of Question:The Previous Question, I Believe Was Not Answered
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/15/2002 7:51 PM MDT

hi... could u please answer the previous question...i too am curious about the answers and the would be of great importance of answering his questions individually, and not just give a vague answer that applies to anything... you are making his question trivial...thank you very much.. and im sure alot of other sikhs are wondering where the answer is....bc this site has been great in answering questions...thanks again

1. The rehit Maryada is a very refined formula of human caliber for success for these demanding, stressful and confusing times of today.

2. Guru Nanak, as well as all the Sikh Guru's kept their hair and beards.

3. The Khalsa Panth is just beginning. Human consciousness has much evolution to accomplish. KHalsa will eventually be 960 million.


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