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Summary of Question:Want Ur Advise.
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/14/2001 3:45 AM MDT

guru fateh parwan,veerji i want to ask u that i belong to a sikh family and we r all amritdhri.i have my elder sister.her age is now parents r too worried for her marriage.we have prayed to god and also recite akhand paths.but unluckily we r not finding a good match for her age is increasing day by day.what shall we do.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa. Wahe Guru Ji KI Fateh.

Dear ones. Stop your worrying. In Jap Ji Sahib the Guru says: "aakhan jore chupai na jore....Jore na mangana deyna na jore.......

No power to speak or silence to keep
No power to beg, no power to give
No power to die, no power to live
No power to rule with wealth or enlighten the mind
No power to awaken my soul to Thee
No power to find the way to be free.
By His own will oh Nanak, none can be good or bad.
He alone has the power to reveal the way
and He watches over all Oh Nanak.

So you see that the Guru intructs us quite clearly that God arranges all our affairs. You have a problem with doubt. Better to address why your family is so filled with doubt and remove this block from your minds.

Your sister is quite young. There are many opportunities for her. Take this duty with joy and gratitude to God. For whatever reason things are as they are, Love and accept what God gives you. Feel blessed that she is still with you. You know she will get married. So, better to take the time to relax and enjoy your life of consciousness. This is the best way to attract the true spouse to you. Take your time and find the best young man for her. She has a long life ahead of her. Young people are getting married later these days. This is no problem, the problem is in your mind.

Also, please stop feeling anxious and worrying for her. This will not make her feel very good about her situation. Also, you look foolish that you cannot rely on God's will to take care of your needs.

There are many matrimonial sites on the Internet that you can visit. Did you try Sikhnet Matrimonials? Did you try

Relax and rejoice and trust Akal Purakh to handle this. God bless you, SKKK

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