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Summary of Question:These Days, Are We Truly Sikhs?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/02/2001 8:18 PM MST

Wahe Guru Ji Ke Khalsa

Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

first of all
this is not a question
i've recently found myself blessed by knowin about Sikhi
i believe is a beautiful way to find God and to love him
sadly while reading the Q&A in this website
it seems to me that for many Sikhi has become a cultural thing
if not
why would they ask about eating or not eating meatin'
as a seeker of the true and a lover of God
we should know that the meat that is served in a plate was in the past a livin creature of God, which most of the times are killed violently and careless just to have it served at home,
to know that a creature of God, our father is been killed for our pleasure should b enought reason to stop eating meat,
i no longer eat meat
and i feel 100 times better
i still wear leather shoes
it may sound ironical and hipocritical
i believe is not though
the practice of usin' animals in many products it has spread almost over everything
its used in medicines, certein materials, etc.
many of this things in this modern time are an important factor in our way of life,
to eat meat is only a pleasure
not a need
we can find the proteins and vitamins in vegetarian food
in my humble opinion true seekers of the truth shouldn't have a doubt about this subject
from what i've read i've also seen that to wear the 5 K's has to be explained to young people
in orden to convince them or make them see its relevance,
i believe that to wear them
it is actually AWSOME
because for once people is wearin to God
for once is not about lookin good in school
this days to wear a dastar is not atractive to many
in my opinion women wearin distar show the real beauty
not to wear the 5 K's only show you and the world who you really are
if you don't wear them proudly
u are not a sikh
and it is a mistake to call yourself so
true love is showed with actions
for example
when a man loves a woman and a woman loves a man
they show their love to each other
they even get married
if a man loves God
what is wrong with showin it to him?
only because this material modern world has poluted most of our minds
we don't think that to love our father is "Cool"
and the idea of marryin' God is just something impossible to many young ppl these days
i'm 23 years old
im from Latin America
and i thank God that ive found the marvelous ways of Sikh
it has shown me how blind we are
it is more aceptable to wear a designer suit
than wearin the 5 K's
that is an uniform for sikhs
the seekers of true
if you are a Sikh
you should see the truth and embrace it
to wear the 5 K's is a blessin from our father
the ego will leav and new feelin's will fullfill the heart of those who choose
to follow Sikh's ways
for me i see it this way:
if one person does his/her best to look the best in a job interview cos wants to impress the interviewer, cos its up to this person, one will get a job and money and then food, etc.
why dont we try to show that same amount of care, why dont we care, why dont we do the same for God, who is the one that gives us life, and everything on it?
thanks for lettin' me express my opinion
i never meant to judge anyone, if someone feel like i did
i humbly apologize,
God bless you,


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