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Summary of Question:Eat Meat To Get Strong
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/26/2002 1:11 PM MST

waheguru ji ka khalsa sri waheguru ji ki fateh!

at this moment i dont eat meat i stoped a year ago. but i want to start etaing meat again becuase im skinny and i want to get biggger and stronger

also ifu dont eta meat u dont have calcium in ur diet calcium or something liek that

so can i start etaing meat and when im older like dun growing can i stop???

plz answer question fast

waheguru ji ka khalsa sri waheguru ji ki fateh!
(REPLY) Sat Nam. EAting meat will not help you gain weight. Elephants are very strong, and they are vegetarians! You can drink milk, eat yogurt, eat lots of vegetables and rice and dal -- have you tried doing any muscle-building exercises? Meat leaves a carcinogenci residue in the bloodstream (uric acid) and is not really suitable for the human digestive system! (Lions and tigers have fangs and claws, and short intestines, because they are born to be carnivorous, humans are not.) Yes, everyone needs calcium, but that's not what you get from meat. if you're talking about protein, you can get plenty from cheese, milk, yogurt, beans, lentils, etc. Also, meat is not healthy for your heart. Even the medical profession has advised heart patients to stay away from red meat. Be sure to get plenty of exercise every day, and eat sensibly. Stay away from white sugar - because it pulls energy OUT of you, by depleting Vitamin B -- even though people can get a temporary "rush" of energy from it, it's not going to build you up in the long term. I hope this helps. Best wishes.

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