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Summary of Question:Unanswered Question
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 12/23/2003 5:01 AM MST

My recent post has yet to be answered. I spoke about a mistake made - you gave an explanation as to why you felt that when Guru Gobind Singh Ji banned halal meat it was actually a blanket bn on all meat. One of the moderators thought that Indians at the time were all strict vegetarians, hence a ban on halal meat was a ban on all meat. I corrected you as many Indians eat meat within their rehat. Two small examples of meat eaters were the hill raja's and khastrians (spelling?).

As I said before, opinions are always changing but truth is permanent.

Please answer my email.

Manjinder Tiwana

(REPLY) Sat Nam. You know, I don't think there's a way to end to this discussion. If a moderator quoted something incorrectly, that is unfortunate, but does it really make any difference? People who want to eat meat will continue to do so. Those of us who believe that it is not acceptable will continue to be vegetarians. There's a saying, "Man convinced against his will is unconvinced still." Many people, in fact more and more, even non-Sikhs are becoming vegetarians simply because of health reasons -- if not for the humanitarian reasons of not killing animals. My understanding of being a Sikh and aspiring to be "Khalsa" is to live as pure a life as possible, and not pollute the body in any way. That includes not ingesting dead flesh, which leaves the carcinogenic residue of uric acid in the bloodstream. thank you for your comments. SP

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