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Summary of Question:Daily Hukamnama - The Meaning
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/22/2005 2:20 AM MST


I am going to Dubai in the next few weeks and would really like to see the Mosques and general history of the City. Being a Muslim city, I wanted to know if there was anything wrong with me visiting mosques. I am Sikh, but am open to all religions. I like going to a Church around Christmas time, just to get the feeling of Christmas, rather than go to shopping malls and see the sales and decorations that we are bombarded with.

My second question is a very silly one, and i apologise profusely if I appear to be an ill educated person! I read the Daily Hukamnama - can you please tell me if this is a reading from the Granth Sahib vat random, and if so, who chooses the particular reading?

Last April, I went through a very tough time, and whilst back then I thought my life was over there was one major positive thing that came from it - I became closer to God, I started praying more than I used to, I see people in good light, even if they are not so good or do bad deeds. One person in particular gave me alot of grief and hurt me, but even now, 8 months on, I still pray for him everyday and hope that he is doing right.

One thing that I would like to share with everyone is this: The only person that can judge me is God. Only He knows what I have done and why.

This may seem a rather random comment to make, but hopefully it will mean something to others!

Sat sri akaal


I'm not sure what hukum you are referring to. If it is the one on SikhNet, it is the hukum early morning hukum from the Golden Temple in Amritsar. In general, hukums are taken at random and are considered to be an "order" from the Guru. As Sikhs, we believe that the our Guru is a living energy and therefore the Hukums are "alive" as well. They are not just scriptures or nice words, but actual directions from the Guru, direct.

It is great that you respect other religions. The Golden Temple has 4 doors in all directions, symbolizing that we are open to all religions and creeds. I have one challenge to you. As Sikhs, if we believe that God and Guru are within, then wouldn't it make sense that we judge ourselves? Blessings at this Winter Solstice time. GTKK

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