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Summary of Question:Why Do Have To Take Kesh And The Meaning Of This.
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/22/2003 4:45 AM MST

Sat Sri Akal,

I am a boy of 16year old from Holland. In the first place i want to say that my english is not too good. i hope you will understand me.

I hav e 2 guestions the first:
1. What is the meaning of the KESH.
2. why do we have to take KESH.
i am asking this because my parents cannot explain me good.
i have heard that Guru Nanak Dev Ji never said you have to need kesh.
But Guru Gobind Singh Ji said you need it. i am confused can you explain me.
thank you very much.

Sorry for that i could not write good english.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

(REPLY) Sat Nam. No problem -- I understood your English very well. I hope you will be able to understand mine! Each Guru added another dimension to the identity of a Sikh, by setting examples in their own lives of various virtues, and by the teachings they gave. It's like building a huge, beautiful temple. You start with the foundation, and that's what Guru Nanak gave us. Then each floor is added on with beatiful rooms, until finally, Guru Gobind Singh put the finishing touches on the very top of the roof. He gave us the Siri Guru Granth Sahib as our living Guru, and gave us the order of the Khalsa, the "pure ones" with special symbols to remind us of God's will. One of those symbols is KESH -- hair. Hair is God's gift to us, and on a physical level it acts as a conductor of energy, so out of respect and appreciation to the God who breathes in us, we never cut the gift of hair. And ideally, we tie it up to the top of the head during the day, cover it by tying a turban to protect from dust and dirt, and wear the tuban proudly to identify us as Sikhs! The turban is a Sikh's crown of glory. At night, at home (not in public) you can let your hair down. I hope this helps answer your question! Blessings, SP

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Why Do Have To Take Kesh And The Meaning Of This. (02/22/2003)
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