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Summary of Question:Names Of God Everywhere?
Date Posted:Friday, 1/30/2004 7:17 AM MST

is chanting god names enough??? should we sell the lord's names in the market bazaar place or earn his names??? mind and body is the market bazaar,where selling of goods are taking place, and in return should we sell or earn his names???????????? is it true that the real names of god exist in sound forms for examplr sound of the bell, sound of drum, sound of violine, sound of flute, sound of bagpipe, and region of no sounds?????????????

thank you very much
please reply to my yahoo address

Nanak ayvai jaanie-ai sabh apaay sachiar. The True One is all-in-all.(Japji) God is everywhere. In the beat of butterfly's wing, inthe twitter of birds. If you are hearing the naam in the sound of flute, wonderful. The Naam is what supports us all. Sacha naam mayraa adhaaro (anand sahib). The True Name is my only support. Hope that answers our query.
-Guru ang sang,

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Names Of God Everywhere? (01/30/2004)
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