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Summary of Question:Why Would Someone Want To Be A Khalsa?
Category:General Q's from Non-Sikhs
Date Posted:Friday, 4/22/2005 12:30 PM MDT

im doing a project on sikhism at school and i would like to know why someone would choose to be a khalsa sikh?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Why? To be happy! True happiness comes only when we fulfill our soul's "longing to belong." Choosing to be Khalsa enables a person to fulfill his or her highest destiny. (and that of course brings happiness. )Commitment is the first step toward happiness. When we take Amrit, we commit to live according to the highest and most efficient code of conduct for a human being. When we admire, and aspire to embody the highest virtues, and live righteously according to God's will, we take Amrit to receive the blessing and strength of Guru Gobind Singh (the Father of the Khalsa)to help us achieve our goal. The virtues of kindness, compassion, nobility, and courage, become our standard of behavior when we choose to be a Khalsa Sikh. SP
(PS This doesn't mean that a Khalsa Sikh thinks he or she is better than anyone else, nor does it mean that they are perfect. It does mean that they have humbly given their heads to the Guru, and are doing their best to live up to the Guru's instructions.)

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Why Would Someone Want To Be A Khalsa? (04/22/2005)
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