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Summary of Question:Where Are All The American Sikh's?
Date Posted:Monday, 6/06/2005 2:42 PM MDT

Hi, first and foremost, I've been reading along these forums for a long time now and would like to tell you guys that you're doing a great job moderating it and answering questions. My question to you all is; where is the densest American Sikh population located that you know of? I am an American-born (parents immigrated here 30 years ago, I'm 16) full-sikh and I have only met 2-3 American Sikh teenagers. The time I met some of these kids was when I was in a gurudwara run by American Sikhs in Northern Virginia, and also, after 9/11 there was an interfaith chorus put together here in Virginia by some politicians, where I happened to meet quite a few American Sikhs. The thing is, I never happen to see any American Sikhs during everyday life. This just seems so odd to me, seeing that I've met loads of them at religious events, but I have never seen any in my everyday life. I would be really interested in visiting more local American Sikh gurudwaras, but dont know of the whereabouts of any. Do you all have any insight as to why this is? Do most American Sikhs live in one area of the US? Are there many American Sikh run gurudwaras nation-wide? Thanks


We have American Sikh run Gurdwaras in many, many cities. Virginia, New York, Millis (Mass.), Los Angeles, Eugene (OR), Phoenix (American and Punjabi run), and the largest Gurdwara is in Espanola (New Mexico). All of these communities have teens. The thing, though, is that most of our teens, until the age of 18, are going to school at Miri Piri Academy in Amritsar, India. They are home for the summer. After their schooling in India, they are scattereda all over going to college and working. Many are congregated in Eugene and Espanola. Come visit us in Espanola. GTKK

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