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Summary of Question:Re: When A Soul Enters The Body
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 5/19/2002 4:02 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal jee,

I am sorry to be a pest but my questions that i asked you have not been answered.

1. Is it ok to have an abortion before the soul enters the body?

2.If we eat the agg before the soul enters the body then is the egg meat? If the soul has not entered the body of the animal, then how can we be taking on the karma's of that animal if we are not "killing/eating" the soul? After all, you said it is just flesh.

3. Just a final thought. I think that you should be careful of following people as Yogi Bhajan. We should direct to the guru granth sahib where-ever we can. By following people, we are bring priest-hood into sikhi which is wrong in our religion.

Thank you for you time.



Sat Siri Akal, ji.

1. To my knowledge, there is no official position on abortion in the Sikh Panth. But it is never "OK" to do it. An abortion should only be performed when there are really serious reasons for it. It's not an act to be taken lightly. Whether or not the soul is present, abortion creates a karma. So-much thought and meditation needs to go into such a serious decision.

2. Decide for yourself about eggs. Many people see it that eating an egg is eating flesh. Others see it that the egg is not an animal yet and so one can eat eggs and still consider oneself a vegetarian. Do the research and decide for yourself. Either position has plenty of arguments in favor and against.

3. The Guru teaches that it is fine for a Sikh to find a saint who has understood the Guru's words as a support to their own spiritual search. Yogi Bhajan, for many many people, is a living example of Guru's wisdom and Guru's service. He doesn't take the place of Siri Guru Granth Sahib, he's been an inspiration for many to surrender themselves to Siri Guru Granth Sahib.


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