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Summary of Question:Pattern Of Answers
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/24/2001 8:09 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Kee Fateh,

Firstly I would like to appreciate your effort for making this forum a success. I have been browsing the questions asked by people for quite a time now and was not impressed by the way you answer the questions. These answers seem to be more of your personal opinion rather than the guidelines and following of gurus. Dont you think it will be appropriate to go through the Guru Granth Sahib and look for what the Gurus and Bhagats said about the topic. I think only this will make it a complete Sikhism forum.

e.g.: About a month back someone asked you how to defend himself from the people who dont like me and are against me. And the answer that you gave was "Learn Karate!!".

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Kee Fateh,

Manmeet Sethi
[email protected]

Yes, you have a good point. But, it is always your choice to listen or not listen to the answers given here. Personally, I base my answers on what the Guru and my life has taught me. But, to go back into the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and find exact quotes for each answer, I honestly just don't have that kind of time. There are times, though, when that does happen, organically.

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Pattern Of Answers (06/24/2001)
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