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Summary of Question:Wat Do U Thynk
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 7/29/2003 10:34 AM MDT


wat i wanna ask u aint a question as such but i wantd 2 know ur opinion(s).

me and my frend(who is christian) were talking about an assembly we had jus bin in and dis muslim guy waz talkin hiz speech he sed somthing lyk the club is opn to muslims...den wen his speech had finished he sed oh and the club is also for otha religions..4 some reason me and my frend were both offended and took it ofensively...ANYWAY, while we were talking my frend sed dat she thynks dat it is in there religion 2 convert( wat do u thynk?)
and den i sed yeh, i thynk dat too..den she sed i rekon dat in a few hundred yrz tym ther wyl probably be a WORLD WAR..wich is caused bcoz of muslims..wich i thought was true bcoz muslims r quite strong in converting and if u dont convert they kill( as wat hapnd to most of the gurus:'( )..wat do u thynk?



Be watchful and careful in your interactions and affiliations. On the other hand, don't close your heart to anyone, no matter what religion. Most muslims are open-minded, peaceful people. Don't fall into the trap of prejudice and stereotyping. Allow someone to reveal their true nature on their own. GTKK

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Wat Do U Thynk (07/29/2003)
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