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Summary of Question:Marriage
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/30/2008 1:55 PM MDT


(could you please not post this on the forum)
first of all, thank you for providing this forum.Here is some details about my marriage life. I was born and raised in India and got married (arranged) to a girl who was raised in Canada. I came to canada few months later and We both loved each other very much in the begingig. Her father owned a small buisness and we both worked there. I took me about a year to get to know the western way of life and I totally accepted it. There was no conflict at that point between me and her. After about 2 years, My parents came to canada.I did not want to work for her father for rest of my life so I started part time school.She and her father opposed it but were fine when i told them that i can't work as a labourer for rest of my life. In the mean time, my wife and were not getting along very well. After a year, I started full time school, and quit job at her father's work. Slowly we started to withdraw from each other. She started to keep her money separate form me and since i was not working i had to ask my parents to support me. Although she and I were living in the same house, we barely talked to each other(no sex either). This went on for another 6 to 8 months. Then one day i came home she was not home. Then she phoned me that night and told me that she has moved out and does not want to live with me any more. Then she came back the next day, took her stuff and moved to her parents house. I was totally devestated.I did every thing possible to get her back. I even quit my school if that would make her happy. I went in to drpression when i came to know that she was actually having an affair. We got eventually divorced.She took everything from the house that she could( tv, camera etc..). Took the money out of credit line which I paid at.Took all the money out of joint accout etc.
It took me three years to get over this(i was in depression for all of this time). Then i came to know that she got married to the guy that she was seeing.
Then one day i got call from her that her husband is abusing her (swering and beating) I told her that there is not much that I could do to help her and that she should seek the help of her parents.
Six mohths late she called me again. she told me that she is living with her parents but is still in contact with the other man. She has not divored the other man yet but she says she is going to do that in December. I am in weird situation now. Here is girl I lived with for yeras and then she cheated on me. Now she wants to come back, but i do not know should i take her back or not. One thing i noticed is that she is not remoursful abot what happened or What i went throught when she left me.

Dear one,

Here is a cheating lying woman who recieved her karma very quickly.
You may forgive her. But do not make the mistake of taking her back.
Nothing has changed and you will be miserable for your entire life.
At least now, you can move on and make your life better....without her.
God was kind and you can thank Him for removing her from your life. You can have a wife with values and grace and gratitude. Look forward to that. Do not look backwards. You owe her NOTHING!!!!!!

God bless you,


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