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Summary of Question:Sikhs Under Threat Due To Us Terrorist Attacks?
Date Posted:Friday, 9/14/2001 9:05 AM MDT

Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji ki fateh

Due to the recent attacks on the USA, many ordinary muslims are being discriminated by many people in New York. As bad as this is, I have just heard from a friend that some sikhs who were turbans in New York are also being discriminated. I recently read in a newspaper that a sikh called Ramandeep Singh had stones thrown at his car. I find this very disturbing and am asking the people who read these questions to please somehow tell the American people the visual difference between a sikh and a muslim. Just because Osama Bin Laden wears a dodgy turban people are seeing no difference between muslims and sikhs. I know that the sikhs have been through a great many ordeals in the past but I think that we should let people know the difference. Thank you very much.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
You are right. SmartSikh mediawatch has posted the following media advisory, which I have copied here along with their contact information. If anyone reading this knows of a hate crime against Sikhs at this time, please contact Smart Sikh Mediawatch at the info below.

For Immediate Release 9/14/2001


Germantown, MD -- The Sikh Mediawatch and Resource Task Force (SMART) is
concerned about the safety of Sikhs across America in the aftermath of
Tuesday's horrific terrorist attacks on the New York City and Washington D.C.

The Sikh American community has openly condemned these terrorist activities that took thousands of innocent American lives. As Sikh Americans, we are saddened by the tremendous loss of life and threat to freedom that these terrorist acts have caused, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims and our fellow Americans who have been affected by this tragedy. SMART hopes the U.S. government is able to swiftly bring to justice those who were responsible for these atrocities.

It is important that the media behave responsibly in this period. Right now, people are angry and confused and when they see photographs of Osama bin Laden with a turban and beard, they lash out at other Americans who are unconnected with bin Laden, but who also happen to have turbans and beards. Since Sikhs also have turbans and beards, we are becoming the mistaken targets of "retaliation" In different parts of the country, Sikhs have been harassed, threatened, attacked, and brutally beaten. An elderly Sikh man is in the hospital, after having been assaulted with a baseball bat. A Sikh temple near Cleveland was firebombed. The list goes on, and is growing over time.

We request that the media do two things:

1. Remind all Americans of the importance not to act on their feelings of anger and frustration by attacking innocent fellow US citizens. After Oklahoma City the nation refrained from attacking men who looked like Timothy McVeigh, there is no reason why we cannot behave in a similar fashion now.

2. Remind all Americans that in the US, the men they see with turbans and beards are Sikhs, and have no connection whatsoever to the Middle East, Islam, or Osama bin Laden. Sikhs are not terrorists, nor have we ever been linked to any of the foreign groups, which are attacking the US now, or have attacked the US in the past.

It is urgent that the media actively promulgate these messages. Otherwise, by showing images of Osama bin Laden without any context, they are condemning through guilt by resemblance hundreds of thousands of Sikhs in the US.

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion with origins in northwestern India. Sikhs have been in the United States for over 100 years with a community of over 400,000 in the U.S. today. The Sikh American community joins its fellow Americans in expressing shock, grief and sympathy to the thousands of families who have lost their loved ones in these outrageous hijackings and attacks.

The worldwide Sikh community is recognized as a law-abiding group, which upholds values such as service to the community, betterment of humanity, justice and truth. The Sikh American community is ready to serve its nation, the United States, in any way possible. We are cooperating with law enforcement authorities (even those who may confuse us with Arab- immigrants). The community understands that the media and law enforcement are going through an extremely difficult task in sorting and identifying those responsible for this horrific attack and we are confident that these officials will ensure the safety of all innocent Americans regardless of their race, color, or religion.

We urge the media to contact local Sikh temples (Gurdwaras) or the Sikh Mediawatch and Resource Task Force (SMART), a Sikh based advocacy group for more information on Sikhism or the violent attacks that have occurred after Tuesday's atrocities.

---- END---

Sumeet Kaur
Associate Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-877-91-SIKHS (877-917-4547)


About SMART:
Founded in 1996 to promote the fair and accurate portrayal of Sikh
Americans and the Sikh religion in American media and society, the Sikh
Mediawatch and Resource Task Force (SMART) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan
organization. Its mission is to combat bigotry and prejudice, protect the
rights and religious freedoms of Sikh Americans, and provide resources that
empower the Sikh American community.

Sikh Mediawatch and Resource Task Force (SMART)
P.O. Box 1761
Germantown, MD 20875-1761
Tel: 877-91-SIKHS (TOLL FREE)
Fax: 202-318-4433
Email: [email protected]

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