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Summary of Question:Education
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 6/16/2008 4:45 PM MDT

hello this website has been very enlightening and well done for all the work because it has made a differnce in my life.i have two questions: i try do my rehras pat every day as i feel it helps my anger but i wanted to know that when it is that time for a girl can we still do the prayers because my mum says you shouldnt so i get confused what to do.

my second question is that is there a prayer that you could recomend for sucess in education because im really not gettin the grades and i need good results this summer to go to university.i know i work very hard and many people see that and im sure God see's that too but i dont know why im not getting there.either way i try to remain optimistic but maybe a prayer would help?
thank you

(REPLY) Sat Nam. A woman can, and should pray and do pat no matter what time of the month it is! You are not a Hindu, you are Sikh! Many people pray to Guru Ram Das, "Lord of Miracles" for help in any situation. Also remember you mind will be clearer and your ability to study more effective if you spend some time every day working to quiet the mind, by simply meditating on the flow of your breath, as it comes in think (and hear in your mind) SAT as it goes out, think (and hear in your mind ) NAM. The slower you breathe, the more control you have of your mind. Blesssings, SP

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