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Summary of Question:Even With The Banis, I'm Still Depressed
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/04/2004 9:20 AM MST

WaheGuru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

i have been doing paath for a long time, i recited banis when the time were good, everyday, but past many months, life has been more than just a challenge, suffering most certainly has been a part of my daily routine, in a sense that everything i perform goes wrong, i feel a sense of detachement from my loved ones, but i still recited banis, regardless of wat goes on. i heard in a show, where they say that this year is not good for people whose birth date has 4 8, 16 in it. i was just wondering, in a case where banis do not tend to give inner peace and one stays in a depressed state, but i lie to everyone else sayin im happy, and portray myself as a very happy person, no one knows about it, because by me acting happy and helping others,
atleast someone else is genuinly happy. all my friends call me an angel, because im the one to whom everybody comes to with problems. i dont want waste ur time, but with humility i ask for advice or a suggestion. Thank you'
Guru ang sang,
guru khalsa Fateh.
M singh.

Sat Siri AKaal. I think it's wonderful you keep up so well with your banis. However, true inner peace and sukhsahaij are gained from MEDITATION on the Naam. Read any page in SGGS and you will see some shabd or all of them that describe the benefits of meditation. This is not just bani recitation that SGGS is describing. It is practiced and deep meditation on the Naam. So take the next step and begin a daily discipline of naam simran, and set some time aside for it. There are other posts in this Forum concerning what to do, how to do it, when, etc. Check the "Meditation" category. If you can do so with others of like mind, that's even better. Results take time, it's not an overnight thing, but it DOES change your life calming and clearing the consciousness.

I also suggest you do a keyword search of this forum on (other) ways to avoid or get rid of depression. Without knowing what is depressing you I must say that you should consider some counseling or see a doctor. Some types of depression need medical attention. Some just need good exercise and sleep. Sometimes we merely need to let go of a situation that is bothering us that we cannot control, or when possible, remove ourselves from the situation entirely. Pray to Guru for the guidance you need on what is depressing you, and start your Naam Simran as soon as you can.

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