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Summary of Question:Emotional Instability
Date Posted:Monday, 7/01/2002 3:21 AM MDT

hi, i just wanted 2 ask a question with regard to a very close of mine who is not a sikh but is going through a very hard time. she is a hindu punjabi girl, incredibly traditional and respectful to her family. yet she is emotionally very unstable. she goes through bouts of depression, slits her wrists and all sorts. she has had a tough childhood, as she was bullied by her cousin who she lived with when she was younger, and as a consequence does not have any self-esteem in herself. she lately took an overdose of painkillers, but was lucky that nothing major affeced her.

for a while ive been saying to her to meditate generally, as she is also seeing a counsellor for her problems. i keep telling her to have faith in God and that she is probably reaping the seeds sown from a past life. i know good deeds and bad deeds determine our karma, but is there any other way i can help her get through this, bearing in mind he is hindu punjabi and i am a sikh, yet i dont want her family to think im trying to convert to our religion! thanx 4ur time.


Sat Siri Akal.

If she is seeing a counselor for her problems, that's the best that can happen right now. As a friend, just be supportive of whatever she is going through. There is no quick and easy fix to depression and suicidal tendencies-meditation is something that can help but these are deeply-rooted issues that require professional therapy to face and resolve. I recommend against the "reaping the deeds of past action" argument because it just puts more pressure on her that all of this is somehow her fault. How she understands her karma is between her and God. Between you two as friends-she is going through a tough time. There's no easy solutions or answers. It will require hard work on her part in therapy to get through this. Just support her to do the work she needs to do to heal herself. And you can also pray for her in your own meditation - prayer is a very powerful way to support the healing process of a loved one.

God bless you both and may Guru continue guiding your path.


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