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Summary of Question:Cutting Nails-Vscutting Hair
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/24/2002 8:39 PM MDT

A lot of people have asked me why i dont cut my hair... n i tell them because it is GOD's gift and we have no right to cut wat GOD gave us. Then they ask me y do u cut ur nails then... i dont have the answer to that question. Why are we allowed to cut our nails, is that not also GOD's gift?


Sat Sri Akal,

A simpler answer might be "We don't cut our hair because the 10th Guru said not to". Nothing was said about cutting finger nails.

I know this is a VERY simple answer, but it might help you. You can also search the forum for reasons why we don't cut our hair and why cutting our nails is okay (it has been answered several times).

Gur Fateh,

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