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Summary of Question:Relationships
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/25/2004 5:07 PM MDT

Let me beging my thanking you guys for your seva. There are lots of people (like myself) who can count on you guys to answer life/spritual related questions that we may not feel comfortable asking others. My situation is that my boyfriend and I both are sikh, which makes things very simple and easy. He knows and agrees with my moral values and I am aware of his. We have been together for over 4 yrs, we haven't discussed marriage because we both aren't ready yet. He's completed his school, i still have some time. Our parents are aware of our relationship. I think they dont quiet approve or disapprove, they want to see how we end up, i guess. Our problem is that we are really wanting to get involved with each other sexually, in our hearts we have considered each other married. But only thing missing is the formal ceremony in front of SGGS. I do path regular, he doesnt but he visits gurdwara daily basis. I dont question his spirituality. We have tried everything from keeping it to just hugs, or praying together, but we want each other. What else could we due to calm things down? If you feel this is inappropriate to put on forum, could you please send me an exclusive reply?



This is not inappropriate to put on the forum at all. Thank you for your honesty. Is there any reason why you can't get engaged? That will give you more commitment. I know it is hard to wait when you love someone, but you will be so glad if you do. Be physical in other ways together, like do sports and sweat, take cold showers (not together, of course), give him a foot massage. Get involved in a project together. Keep busy and don't set your self up to be tired and alone together. Good Luck. Draw upon Guru's strength to help you. GTKK

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