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Summary of Question:Re:Regarding Dating!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/27/2003 11:17 AM MDT

waheguru ji sat sangat!

Please dont think im saying dating is fine, in fact i dont unsertand what dating actually means, if there is sex involved then YES that is wrong without commitment but if its a girl and a guy who like each other then its no more then freinship with a future together.

I was just a little concerened with the views of the person who made this comment. Amirithari's are humans who have normal feeling, ITS IS NOT LUST! Dont you understand that when the guru's said control your 5 eveil's they didnt mean destroy them! I have read many posts here where sombody with a narrow mind gives a straight NO answer. When we conquor our minds we shall rule ourselves. I hear this stuff all the time, oh your an amrithari, why is your room dirty,blah blah! We dont become a super human that lives according to some made up standard. The bottom line is an amrithari may keep close freinds from the opposite sex and yes they may even flirt but thats fine aslong as they arnt attched to each other. Attachment is when you care only for that person and nothing else! Sex is different. that should be kept only for one soul but if he or she is amrithari then they wont be doing this! Its liek saying dont keep freinds because its attchment, leave your family beacuse its an attachment. NO family is fine, freinds are fine and even dating aslong as you dont become attched. Some may argue then how do you do this, without becoming attched, but when you clean you mind inside and out, dating for a Gursikh is nothing like what people think! I feel that its not even dating, i feel its a soul that you have grown close to, oneday to marry! WE ARE HUMAN.
WAHEGURU - open your mind and meditate on that thing that is so ard to obtain!


Sat Siri Akal.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. You've brought up a vitally important point to remember. We are human and what we feel as humans is part of God's play. The Gurus asked us to embrace our humanity, not reject it. And they gave us a code of conduct, a standard so that we could be in command of those very real, natural human passions and not let them get out of control in a way that would hurt ourselves and others in the process.

Thank you for bringing up such an important point.

All love,


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