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Summary of Question:Mixed Message On Hair?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 2/09/2004 2:43 PM MST


This is the third time i'm trying to get a messages through (i'm so technically challenged!), so forgive me for getting right to my state of confusion:

It concerns the response given to the posting entitled "To take kirpan off or not" posted 01/30/04. I was somewhat caught off guard by the response that it was OK for an amritdhari female to remove hair from her face, when it is not for a male. I understand that Guruji gave us the five K's for identification reasons and to stand up for the truth, and having hair on one's face is more apparent on males and hence wouldn't really matter if a female removed her hair or not, but isn't the response given somewhat of a double standard?

And if it's OK for the feamale to remove hair from her face, why not from her legs, or arms? I would first look at one's face before checking out their arms.

This question has always perplexed me. It's somewhat a silly qusetion to be hung up on. I am just looking for the reasoning behind such a response. I am a female and would like to take amrit one day, and i know many amritdhari women that obviously remove their facial hair. But how can you justify this when men do not? Under Guruji's eyes are we not all equal in rights as well as responsibilities?

But to close - I do strongly believe however, that being Guruji's true Sikh comes from within - your love, passion and faith, and from your actions.

Dhan Guru Nanak.

<<<<< REPLY >>>>>

Sat Nam, Reena Ji - The original answer given was not correct. (Note: It was edited yesterday to correct it.)

All hairs on each body are right for that body. God created us each perfectly and Guru Ji's Rehit is simple - honor the Creator by understanding that every part of the body has a purpose, keep our body intact as God created it, and care for it as the temple of consciousness and the vehicle given to us to do God's work in this lifetime.


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