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Summary of Question:Answers To Commonly Asked Questions
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/13/2002 5:10 PM MDT

Waheguru Je Kha Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh:

As an amritdhari Sikh, I find this forum to be an excellent source for the youth to learn more about Sikhi. Most of the time, I find the questions to be thought provoking, but then there are others which seem to keep coming up over and over again, albeit slightly modified that really just make me sit back and think what are these people thinking (as I'm sure the moderators have too from time to time!) So I've taken the liberty of putting together several questions and short answers which should hopefully clear up any doubts that people have.


1) Are Sikhs allowed to eat meat? NO!!! This question has come up so many times, in so many different ways, but each time the answer is still no, no, no. Numerous examples have been given in this forum of where in Gurbani it is written.

2) But we can eat eggs right? Nope. Eggs, regardless of whether they are fertilized or unfertilized, are prohibited. It doesn't matter whether they be in whole form or in a cookie. It is not allowed in any way shape or form.

3) What about Lard and Gelatin? Again, answer is NO. Sikhs are not allowed to eat any foods that contain any meat or meat by-products. If you have any doubt, read the label before you buy. If there is no label, better left uneaten.

4) It's okay though if the animal was killed "humanely" right? C'mon people. There is no humane way to kill an animal. The end result is the same. You kill with one stroke or ten, a life is unnecessarily taken. This nonsense over Halaal is a bunch of hogwash. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. The term is not even mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhisim is not a religion in which you can pick and choose which teachings to follow, you either do or you don't follow them. Gurbani is Gurbani. Do not alter its meanings to shape your lifestyle. If you don't want to be a Sikh, then don't be a Sikh.


1) Is Sex before marriage allowed in Sikhism? NO! Ask yourself this, is sex allowed before marriage in any other major world religion? Why would Sikhism be any different? C'mon folks, this is a no brainer.

2) What exactly does this include? When we say no sex we mean sex in ALL its forms. So stop with the questions about is this okay, is that okay? again the answer is NO.

3) What happens if I'm engaged, its okay then right? Nope. Until you make the rounds and pledge your oaths to one another and guru sahib, you are not allowed to engage in sexual relations. If you can't control yourself either move the marriage date up or take a cold shower.

4) Is Hugging and Kissing allowed? If it's not with your spouse, then NO.

5) Is masturbation allowed? Ah, the ever-popular question that seems to come up time and time again. Each time, people hope that the moderators are going to change their view on this. Hate to burst your bubble folks, but it ain't gonna happen. Lust is one of the five evils that guru sahib has warned us about time and time again. Masturbation involves lustful thoughts and is not appropriate for a Sikh to engage in. So throw away the dirty magazines and movies, and do a little yoga, paat, or take a cold shower to prevent the need to masturbate from even coming up.

6) Are Sikhs allowed to date? NO!!! Gursikhs are to engage in life of celibacy up until they are married. We are not in the business or selecting who we marry. That is best left up to our parents and God. That is the way it was in time of our Guru's and so it is in the present. Too many people keep bringing this question up, and each time the answer is still the same. Dating is a western tradition, not a Khalsa tradition. If you don't like it, find another religion. Don't pretend to a Sikh when you are not. Still don't agree? Half the marriages in the United States end in divorce. Contrast with Sikh marriages and the divorce rates don't even compare.

Bottom Line: Sikhs do not date, nor do they engage in sexual relations before marriage. PERIOD.


1) Is it okay to cut your hair and still pass yourself off as a Sikh? NO! You either are a Sikh or you aren't. No in between.

2) Is it okay to wax or shave my legs? Nope.

3) Is it okay to bleach my facial hair? Nope.

4) Is it okay to trim my beard? Nope.

4) Electrolysis? Nope.

Bottom Line: Male and female Sikhs are not to allowed to cut their hair under any circumstances, except in cases of dire medical necessity where no other alternative is present.


1) I'm a radhaswami, nirankari, namdhari, but I'm still a Sikh? Are you kidding me? Why does this question keep coming up?. how many times does it have to be said. There are NO living gurus. Guru Granth Sahib is our guru for all time. If you worship anybody else, you are not a Sikh. To use the bani of the gurus and pass yourselves off as Sikhs as these three groups and others do, is degrading, blasphemous and anti-Sikh.

2) It's okay if I don't wear my 5 Ks all the time right? NO! When you take amrit, you make a vow never to remove them from your body. They must be with you at all times no matter what. It is a sacred bond that you make that must not ever be violated.

3) Is being a Punjabi the same as being a Sikh. No. There is a clear distinction between culture and religion. Religion comes first. Do not mix the two up.

This is not a all-inclusive list. Just some thoughts from an amritdhari who is looking to give some guidance to the young folks out there who are trying to make it in this crazy world. Keep in mind that Sikhism is not a religion whose teachings are to modified to suit your individual lifestyle. The rules are very straightforward. The obstacles (5 evils) have been laid out. It is each Sikh's duty to follow these rules to the letter and overcome the obstacles so that we may achieve the ultimate goal with becoming one with Waheguru. If you only follow some, or none, fear not. You have the power to change for the better. The time to change though, is NOW.

If you still have doubts, grab your Kara and ask yourself, what would our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji say?

Waheguru Je Kha Khalsa, Waheguru Je Ke Fateh


Sat Sri Akal,

Thank you for your input.

Gur Fateh,

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