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Summary of Question:Should I Keep Faith In My Gurus
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/09/2007 7:11 AM MDT


I just need help. I have true faith in my religion and Guru's teachings. But now i feel very depresed. I was working in private company and used to help my subordinate and my juniors and used to do extra work, out of my profile. But one of senior played politics and due to which i have lost my Job. THe other person who never pay attention to job and just do non sense work in the office is safe and nothing happened to him and still enjoying. I lost my job and my wife is also not supporting me she abuses me in front of her parents and does not talk to me properly. we had a love marriage and i have done lot of things for her to keep her happy, but still Iam feeling lonely. I moved to other city in search of Job but she never cares to give a call to me and never asked about my welfare. Iam feeling lonely although my elder brother gives me lot of suppot but still i feel should i continue my faith in guruji's teaching.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Sorry to read of your unhappy situation. Faith in God and Guru is meaningless if you only have faith when your life is pleasant and things are going well. Whatever we experience in life is the result of our own actions, from past lives as well as in this one -- the law of karma brings us a reaction to every action -- so to "blame" God and Guru doesn't solve anything. The Guru's teaching is basically to wish good to ALL, and to love God and to repeat God's Name -- realizing that everything here is temporary -- neither wife nor friends nor family will go with us when we return Home to God and leave this physical body. You are letting your wife's bad behavior rule your feelings. Instead, I would suggest that you focus on making the best of your new situation, and when and if your wife speaks badly about you, you should stop her! Don't be a doormat! Speak up! Tell her you love her, but you will not permit her to disrespect you. And spend time every day chanting/praying to Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles to guide you. When Faith is tested, that's what reveals if it is really faith. Think about those Sikhs who were broken on the wheel, cut up limb by limb, but they never gave up their faith! If you pay attention to the words in the Ardas, you may understand what real test of faith is! Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Teg Bahadur didn't give up their faith. Remember, God lives and breathes in you -- ANG SANG WAHE GURU! I understand that bad things can happen to "good" people, but by making the best of whatever karma you are paying off, and being grateful -- yes - grateful for the tests, you will be learning to have REAL faith and acceptance of God's will. If you get a chance, read from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib so you can remind yourself what the purpose of your life really is! May God bless you and Guru guide you always, in all ways. SP

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