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Summary of Question:Re: Young Sikh Sisters Plzzzz Read
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 6/07/2004 10:57 AM MDT


I would just like to say that I sympathise with the feelings of this young lady who has shared her experiences with us all.

Being a UK born Sikh, I have seen and heard of similar stories that have been happening over and over again for over the past 20 years ... I ask myself- why is it still happening????

Having seen Hindu and Sikh girls, offer themselves to Muslim men, I ask them why are they with a Muslim? To this question I get given an assortment of replies. The four most common are:
1) "F**k off! who are you to ask me that!"
2) "Don't wanna speak to ya!"
3) "Muslim guys are more exciting, cuz I'm doing something that I shouldn't with someone who I shouldn't be doing it with."
4) "Turban sikh guys are unattractive, that is why girls want clean shaven guys like muslims."

I have known of instances where muslim guys prey on vunlerable sikh girls especially the shy and reserved girls. They do this to win their affection and lure them into a false sense of security. It is usually these girls that end up as prostitutes in Pakistan being sold off by their boyfriends, pregnant (or both) or who convert because they know they cannot go back to their parents.

My heart goes out to all these sikh girls but there is one thing that really annoys me- these girls knew exactly what they were doing was wrong! But yet they still went on seeing their boyfriends either due to genuine love, sexual pleasure or some other reasons.

I can't understand why the writer of the posting had said for sikh guys to be more tough so that they dont look 'pussy' infront of muslims, and that it is because of this that they go for muslims! How could that person have sex with someone who degraded her brother in public by knocking is turban off??????

Instead of blaming other people I feel that sikh girls and not just sikhs but girls of any religion should start taking more responsibility of their OWN actions. INSTEAD OF BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE STOP DOING THINGS WHEN YOU KNOW THEY ARE WRONG AND DONT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE IN THAT SITUATION (I have used caps lock so that this stands out- I'm not shouting!). We as sikhs and people of Indian origin know that sex before marriage is wrong, we know of conflicts between sikhs and muslims but then why do sikh girls still go for muslim guys - when they know of all of these problems????

I have heard girls say "oh it just happened ... he makes me feel special ... etc" I then ask them- "would he marry you after sleeping with you? ... he makes you feel so special that you have gone against your family, religion and your own social morals? "

I am not saying all muslims are bad, but there are some fanatics who believe that kaffir women are prostitutes to be harmed and violated and that Allah will grant them with his entirety if they can get kaffirs to convert.

And yes- there are sikh guys out there who have muslim girlfriends and who view them to be the same as muslims view kaffirs.

I have so much to say on this subject but feel that I should stop now.

I apologise if I have offended anyone, and nor did I want to be talking bad about any religion.


The issue of women's self-esteem, and how we fall for romance and sex as a way to feel good about ourselves instead of living by our code and trusting that the Creator will take care of us is one of the biggest problems for women in every culture today. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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