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Summary of Question:Help Me Ppl??
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/22/2003 2:03 PM MST


being a teenager and starting college i think i have found the "one!", at college she is 16 (same age as me), and sikh, her brther n sis n mum n dad r full sikh?..i think that if we got together we cud end up getting married, we knw we like each other we keep staring at each other, i am just shy..when seeing her..i dont knw wht to do..i respect that we r "brother n sister" like all sikhs, but if she is marriage material, r we too young or cud this be it??..we go well togther people have said so, we r combatable in each way, n personality wise..she is religious she goes 2 Gurudwara n so do i....can someone give me advice on this?? it wud be greatly appreciated....
thnk you


Sat Siri Akal.

It's entirely possible that she is the one. But you want to take your time with this, be very respectful or yourself and her, and give the both of you many years of a long engagement before you actually get married. This way you will know whether or not it is the right thing in the long run.

If both of you are fairly traditional, then the proper thing is to speak with your parents first about this and get their guidance. They can help guide you into the process of how to speak to her parents about it. And then if everything goes well, the two of you can get to know each other in a very respectful way. Take your time. Stay honorable towards her and yourself. And both of you will know in time whether you should become engaged.

Marriage is a life-long journey, a process and very very deep commitment. Be genuine and let the Guru guide you. Everything wil work out ok.

Much love to you,


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