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Summary of Question:I Can Feel Something
Date Posted:Monday, 6/02/2003 10:18 AM MDT

sat shri akal

the is the first time that i am writing to u and im very please to say how much i find this youth pages very helpful.

my question is something relating to my life. i know that this may sound silly but recently while i am trying to get to sleep,doing my work or any form of activitirs it is though i can feel someone behind me and that i am being watched over by the shoulder.

sometimes at night while i try to get to sleep, i can feel a pressure or force of some sort that is pushing my stomach. i get very scared and hide under the covers while i repeat God's name but such hasnt helped me at all.

cud u plz tell me what is going on?

thank u for your help


Maybe this force is good. Try to relax with it. If you tighten up, you can't benefit from it. Breath deeply and keep chanting your mantra. Talk to it, asking what it wants and what are its intentions with you. If it is a negative force, chant "Ad Grev Nameh, Jugod Grev Nameh, Sat Grev Nameh, Siri Guru Dayvey Nameh." This is a mantra for protection. Chant it any time you need protection. GTKK

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