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Summary of Question:Divorce
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 11/15/2002 3:32 PM MST

In the views of Sikhism is divorce wrong or right...My family and I made a big mistake, we didn't know how the guy was before I got married...He turned out to be a smoker and he committed infidelity....Is it wrong of me to want to leave him and move on? Please give me a direct answer, i need to know wether the decision i make will be wrong or right in the eyes of god.


Sat Nam.

Divorce is perfectly acceptable in light of your husband's actions. A marriage is based on two people making a conscious commitment to create a cozy family where the Guru's values are lived and respected. Your husband, in being unfaithful to you, has chosen to break the vow he made with you before the Guru. A divorce simply frees you legally.

Good luck, God bless and may you always live in the light of your own dignity and grace.

All love,


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