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Summary of Question:Indians Make Me Angrry
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 11/05/2003 10:38 AM MST


every time i read something on here you people make me feel horrible. Everything that sikh's arent "allowed" to do i DO! Whats the big deal? yes i act "white". it seems as if you people have problems with everything. Im reminded of a song it goes " you gave me life now show me how to live". You people arent living, waiting to do just the stupidest stuff. When i die, im going to die knowing that i have done everything possible, living each day as if it were my last. Im not about to sit at home with my "long" hair, not shaving, not having my guy friends come over. IM just so happy my parents don't like indians themselves and have raised me to be a "good indian girl". HA. Another thing, if it aint hurley or roxy i aint wearing it. but then again you probably have a problem with me dressing like a punk/ skater indian girl. We used to live in Surrey but now have moved down south to the good ol states just because i hate indians. especially indian women. all they do is talk about other people and how others live their life. big deal, i dont have a curfew and sometimes i like to smoke them cigarettes and pot.

POT IS NATURAL. god put it here on earth because its natural. smoke it. Again im not trying to diss on anyone but indians are way too strict its insane. Live your life the way you want. Id rather do something that i will regret rather than not do it at all.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Congratulations! You are living your life totally in vain, and wasting the privilege of human birth. This lifetime is an opportunity God gave you to pay off past karma, and experience your own SOUL. So, you can keep on living in your emotions and satisfying your senses, and hating anybody you wish, and when you die, you can be reborn again - probably in worse circumstances, with plenty of time to regret. You are obviously ignorant, but what is even worse is that you're arrogant. Someone who is just ignorant can learn, but you obviously think you've got it all figured out. WRONG! Well, God bless you. you have a right to mess up your life, because God gave you that much free will. You're planting seeds of your own downfall. I hope you may wise up before it's totally too late. SP

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