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Summary of Question:Before Exams
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/16/2003 2:54 PM MST


i was just wondering wot paat is best to do before u have an exam?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. To be successful in your exams, you need a clear mind. To have a clear mind, the best thing to do is early in the morning, before you start your day, recite Japji Sahib and Jaap Sahib, and chant God's name. Japji connects you with your soul, and Jaap Sahib give you power and majesty to accomplish. If you find you are nervous before taking an exam, then start breathing slowly and deeply, inhale thinking SAT and exhale thinking NAM. Just a couple of minutes doing this will calm your mind. Ideally you recite all your banis every day, so that the Guru's wisdom and guidance penetrates your mind and heart. I hope you will do it! Blessings

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