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Summary of Question:Is The Khalsa Panth Dying Away?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 6/13/2001 1:32 PM MDT

dear Khalsa Ji,

A few days ago, me and a good friend who is Amritdhari were talking about the state of modern Westernized Sikhism. We went on to analyse what was happening to Sikhism as a whole.
To cut a long story short, i realised that the Khalsa Panth IS dying away slowly. All i had to do was look at some of the Sikhs that were in my area, Most of them half pagh's but they still continue to cut their beards, many of them drink and smoke and STILL call themselves Sikh. I see this as quite disrespectful. Also if we are born as Saint-Soldiers, we arent supposed to be afraid of dying, so why is it that on Baisakhi in 1699 only 5 people had the courage to stand up and say they were Sikh? How come so many people are afraid to die for their religion? In the days of the Guru Ji, many Sikhs were willing to die to protect the Guru Ji and also to protect Sikhism. Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale was also ready to die because he SPOKE out against the injustices that the Indian government was subjecting the Sikh Nation. How come the Guru's gave their lives to show the Khalsa was strong when we see these so called ' Sikhs' going around disrespecting all of this.
An example of this was a mona singh coming up to me last Vaisakhi and sayin " yo Singh, why arent you wearing Orange today, its Vaisakhi!" but to this i replied " yeah but unlike you, i dont need to wear orange, i am Sikh all year around, not just one day where you lot get drunk and smoke and just use it as an excuse to show off your cars." to this the Singh replied " you arent a true Sikh" -- i found this MOST disrespectful

I know this may sound disrespectful, but this is how i see the Khalsa Panth these days. We as a race are slowly dying away! our panjabi language is dying away! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING NOW TO PROTECT OUR FUTURE !!

Also, could you get a moderator from the UK because it would be most beneficial to Sikhs from Britain to be able to speak to someone they can relate to. You are doing an excellent job in promoting awareness amongst what is left of the Sikh Nation

Could anybody please email me at the address above if they have any oppinions

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Fateh

Greetings to you in the Name of God the light of every soul and in the Name of Guru the life of every Sikh.

Dear Khalsa ji, what you are seeing is the false consciousness of Khalsa dying. The true spirit of Khalsa is being reborn and flourishing as individuals adopt daily practices of the Guru as a way of expanding their richness of life experience.

It is not enough in these confusing times to have one's birth into a Sikh family to sustain one's wavering mind. The axis of the planet has shifted. Everything is changing and we are seeing the imbalances all around us, hunger, rising disease, depression, widespread substance abuse, erratic weather patterns etc.

Every one needs to be born into the consciousness of Khalsa in their own experience of life. The mind will function differently in this 21st century because of the change in the earth's magnetic field. Where previously "I believe" was enough to carry an this next millenium "I know"(having had the experience) will be the requirement. The capacity of the mind will be enhanced.

The role of the Khalsa in the 21st Century will be to show mankind the way to experience the Supreme Self through the technology of mind as vibrated through the frequency of the Shabd of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Additionally the practice of Kundalini Yoga will be fundamental to equip the individual with the adaptability and vitality required for these changing times.

In the past 30 years, many people in the West have adopted the path of the Guru and became Sikhs. Thousands more daily recite the Nam as part of their daily practice. As heavenly bodies share their light and energy with the universe, so must we who consider ourselves to be Khalsa continue to expand our consciousness and reach out to the world to touch the hearts and minds of others. This is the only way that the mission of the Guru will be fulfilled.

Khalsa is a reality. Khalsa is a righteous is the cause of excellance and dignity of the individual AND elevation of the TRUE Self. The righteous struggle is a basic formula: first uplift yourself, then uplift others and oppose all forms of tyranny that would seek to repress the elevation of consiousness.

God bless you to digest all that you see. You asked a very good question.

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Is The Khalsa Panth Dying Away? (06/13/2001)
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