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Summary of Question:Seems That Sikhs Everywhere Cut Their Hair
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/22/2004 11:13 PM MST

ssa everybody

this is a question concernin modern day sikh community in india and globally. I am a 15 yr old sikh boy from delhi.My Root go down to punjab.Anyways, i have noticed something very common in the modern day sikh community which confuses and disappoints me alot.Recently i went to chandigarh and to my shock i found half the ppl i knew had got their hair cut.Is this what our modern day sikh society is leading to? i saw more monnas (sikhs wid chopped hair) than normal gursikh's..... if this keeps going on sikh population would juss decline.Even If i was given the oppurtunity to get my hair cut i wouldn't go for it. Cause i am proud of being a gursikh.Specially the females who cut their hair. Its not totally acceptable.Trimming your beard is okay according to me, its the modern day thing trimming ur beard doesn't make much of a difference, but cutting your hair is..........what is happening to the sikh community? is there any cure. Thank you for your time.

Sat Sir Akaal. No, trimming beard is not OK, though I can see you have rationalized it in your mind, just as others do who cut their hair and call themselves Sikh. For a Gursikh who takes the form of a Sikh seriously, NO hair removal or trimming is OK. Once someone decides a little hair can be removed here or there, the next thing one sees is all cut hair.

I think you need to understand that many 'monnas' are raised from birth with cut hair. They never had it. Elsewhere on this Forum youth have written to say that's how they were raised, and they get flak from their family when they tell them they want to keep kesh and wear dashtar. Imagine!

Look, the only 'cure' is for people, in their hearts, to decide for themselves that the form of a Sikh is important to them, and then to just do it, no matter what anyone says. It's not the life of a Sikh that matters, it's the courage s/he brings to it. No one can force that from outside. Sikhs are supposed to be known by both their identity and their actions. While none of us can judge the heart of anyone who self-identifies as Sikh, cut hair or no, how are we to know one is Sikh if they do not look it?
Guru ang sang,

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