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Summary of Question:Devine Bliss
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/30/2002 10:50 AM MDT

Hi , recently i had a debate with my dad. We both follow sikhi very faithfully and with love but i am always trying to higher myself to perfection through the guru. MY dad said that to be khalsa you have to follow the guru granth sahib to every detail and i agree to that very strongly. I say dont call ursrlf a sikh if u cant follow it!!! The main reason is i told my dad that it dosnt matter if you have cut hair as i think you can attain divine bliss too, but he said no they cant as guru gobind siad follow me and then you shall be my sikh. I concluded by saying that you should never say to someone that you are not a sikh and then say you will not make it coz to me divine bliss can come at anytime!!! My dad used to drink alot and be in pubs etc and now he has foung guru ju :) but i just wanted to make a point and say never look down on sikhs who dont yet follow the religion, as all is done to the masters will. I think instead of us sikhs wasting energy and time complaining how many non-khala go around calling themselves proper sikhs should judt be left alone to do so!! WHo cares what we call each other. See mankind as one, i hate it when sikhs go around calling muslims pakis and hating them. This is not what the gurus taught us!! What is amuslim, what is a hindu and what is a christian, by hurting them you hurt the master who resides within them!!! i was jsut wondering what ur thoughts are on followign khalsa. Im 20 have my hair dont smoke, drink :) but does this mean if i cut my hair, drink a little i cannot obtain the jewls of the name??? or is it just i cant obtain them through sikhism? this is just a qestion i was thinking of and follow sikhism very well :) i wish one day i reach perfection to a state were i walk uneffected by religions, caste, colour etc. To be free from thoughts :) Plz dont think im here to lecture, im passing on what i have been through :) Sikhism, Hinduism, buddism.....whateverism the goal is to become soaked in the divine name :)i am neither a continent, nor true, im an ignorant fool, i have sought the shelter of those who never forget God :)

(REPLY) You asked for an opinion on all these thoughts of yours. Well, briefly, here's what I think and believe and have been taught: SIKH means a student of Truth. we have no business judging whether or not anyone else is a "good Sikh" or not. And we wish "good to all" -- as we say in the Ardas, "Sarbat dabala." We each have our own relationship with God and Guru -- there's nobody in between. If we cut our hair, drink, etc. then we are separating ourselves from that Divine Self within us. Why waste time debating about any of this. Each of us can only do our best,and with the grace of God and Guru, we shall continue to become more saintly in our thoughts and actions. if we were already perfect, we wouldn't be here on Earth. SP

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