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Summary of Question:Re: Indians Make Me Angry
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/08/2003 9:16 PM MST

Wahegurujikakhalsa Wahegurujikifateh

This is a response to the q indians make me angry.

"You people arent living, waiting to do just the stupidest stuff. When i die, im going to die knowing that i have done everything possible, living each day as if it were my last. Im not about to sit at home with my "long" hair, not shaving, not having my guy friends come over"

Correction, we are living the life Waheguru has given us in a very ‘useful & best’ way. Well when we die, we will die knowing that we haven’t wasted our life and the precious oppurtunity to become one with God. Yea we keep our hair cuz we value the gift of beatiful hair that Wahegurus given us and by that we stay in da will of God, BUT, we DON’T sit at home keeping our hair the way they are given to us, we go to work, do our studies or wateva a sikh wants to do! Whos says you can’t have friends who are guys, im amritdari and I have friends who are guys and girls, but yeh maybe u ought to know that the reason most ‘indian’ people don’t allow girls to bring their ‘guy’ friends and the guys to bring their ‘girl’ friends to their homes is cuz u don’t know what da heck could happen when young teenagers get together, trust me, dere r MANY IMMATURE teenagers out there who get into sh*t, if u know wat im sayn!

"IM just so happy my parents don't like indians themselves and have raised me to be a "good indian girl". HA. Another thing, if it aint hurley or roxy i aint wearing it. but then again you probably have a problem with me dressing like a punk/ skater indian girl. We used to live in Surrey but now have moved down south to the good ol states just because i hate indians"

My gosh, u have totally got it wrong girl, well too bad for u! Its not about indians or europeans, or islanders, or mexicans or wateva. Its about ‘HAVING THA RIGHT VALUES’. Maybe u don’t like indians cuz u don’t like their values. I agree some people are quite annoying wid their so called stupid values. But the values many indians have about dressing in appropriate ways, and not getting too mixed wid guys (for girls) and girls (for guys), well I explained da reason for that above, and I HOPE that u do understand. Well about u wearin hurley or roxy wateva, wear it whos stopping u, actually ill let u know NOBODY REALLY CARES, and yea go ahead and dress like a punk skater girl or wateva u want. Well u hate indians, hmm…arent u an indian ureself?? HA! Now I get to have da laugh! No offence, im only playin wid ya. Man so u guys shifted just cuz u don’t like indians, hahah datz kinda funny tho…well too bad cuz indians are everywhere, so wat will u do next, move countries?? Its too bad dat ur full of so much hatred cuz ur jst making ur life worse and its only affecting u and nobody else. Maybe u ought to jst drop da hatred feeling cuz it isn’t now and won’t do u ne good in da future at all.

"especially indian women. all they do is talk about other people and how others live their life. big deal, i dont have a curfew and sometimes i like to smoke them cigarettes and pot"

Yeh som women make me angry too, how they talk abt otha ppl and bla bla…but u know wat I really don’t care, cuz I have learnt that u cant change ne1 but ureself. If u don’t like certain ppl, or if they make u mad, den stay away from them, now by saying that I don’t mean keep shifting! Haha. I mean jst mind ur own business and don’t get frustrated over their ‘immature’ attitudes. Yeh but ill let u know one thing, that u shudnt judge the whole lot based on da actions of a few. Girl forget the term ‘indians’, treat people as individuals and not certain groups. You wana smoke dope or wateva go ahead and do dat. But ur jst wasting ur life and destroying ur beautiful body dat God has given u. You shoud respect it not abuse it with such things, but then again God has given u free will to live ur life the way u want to live it. But remember wateva seeds u sow, they WILL bear their fruits or maybe I shoud say poisons, and YOU will be da ONE to eat those fruits or poisons.

"Live your life the way you want. Id rather do something that i will regret rather than not do it at all"

Hhahahaha, ud rather do somthing that u will regret dan not do dat regretfull thing???? Well to me thats jst plain 'immaturity/stupidity'. If i knew that wat i am about to do now, is gona make me regret it later on, i wont do it, cuz i really wudnt wana have to face tha pain it wud give me after i do it. Really, ne1 who is sensible, would rather not do that thing which they WILL regret later on rather than do it for the sake of doing it!!! Have a great day!

Wahegurujikakhalsa Wahegurujikifateh

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