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Summary of Question:When
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/03/2002 4:40 AM MDT

Having recently taking up Gurbani, i wanted to know the usefulness of just having say Nitnem playing in the backgorund whilst im at work. My full attention wont be going into the Gurbani because of my work schedule, but what i wanted to know was, if i have it playing in the background am i commiting a sin as im not giving it my full attention? In the morning i usually listen to the Nitnem with my full attention, however throughout the day i like to just listen to it whilst i work - is there any harm in this? Sometimes by just playing the same thing over and over again i begin to understand particular words etc... what do you guys think? I also find it relax's my mind.

Also i listen to the Dukh Bhanjani Sahib - is there a particular time i should listen to this? Obviously im only reciating this as im going through a phase where im in a lot a pain and i need Waheguru to help me through this phase.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Sorry to hear you're in a lot of pain. So long as you're giving full attention when you recite your Nitnem, I think it's really wise to listen to Gurbani in the background throughout the day -- and even all night long! Let the Guru's words heal and comfort and inspire you -- even subconsciously! As for your second question, I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by Dukh Bhajani Sahib. (I know there's a shabd: Dukh Bhanjan Tera Nam , but I don't know if that's what you're asking about.) I hope this answer helps a little, anyway. blessings, SP

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