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Summary of Question:Marriage And Spirituality
Date Posted:Tuesday, 6/04/2002 6:07 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal Ji,

I believe that perfect marriage is where both spouses inspire each other on the path of religion and spirituality. So, when a woman looks for a lifepartner, should she only go for men who are (or seem to be) very religious? And reject all other.
I know and believe that if you love and follow the Guru, He will guide you to the right decision (and I have full faith in my Guru).
My question is that should you reject anybody based on their (non-religious) lifestyle or should you think that "he seems to be a nice guy and he might turn to Spirituality later"?
If we do reject that person, are we not considering ourself superior to them?
Thank you very much.


When choosing a future husband, it's only common sense to choose someone who shares your values and your life style. It has nothing to do with feeling "superior." By the way, don't confuse "religious" with "spiritual" - make sure the man really cares about living as a Gursikh, not just to put on a show, but from a heartfelt commitment. Another bit of advice, don't expect to change anybody after marriage. What you see is usually what you get! There are a lot of "nice" people, but that doesn't mean they will "turn to spirituality" after marriage. It's not impossible, because the inspiration of a wife's devotion and example can certainly uplift her husband, but there's no guarantee.

May God bless you and Guru guide you always! SP
Ghan Guru Nanak

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