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Summary of Question:Guru Granth Sahib And Islam
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 10/20/2002 7:10 AM MDT

hi, first of all i jus wanted to let u no how great this site is n that it is such a relief to no that there are people here to help us youth's out...this is the first time i've been on this site n it has been SO helpfull.

My dad is really into his culture and religion and the type of questions i hav to ask-i no he wuuld give me biased answers.

I basically came on to this site because i've just moved to a new college from a sikh school obviously had majority of Sikhs so i never really got to learn about other faiths...
now that im in this new college i've made many friends who are muslim-i knew from the beginning that there is nothing wrong with having muslim friends as our religion is all about equality, peace n harmony within everyone.
Im now seeing a guy-who is muslim n this was a big problem at first because all my friends and family hav such biased views toward muslims n the whole religion thing seemed like such a problem.

I've introduced him to most of my friends n jus by seeing us together they've realised that no matter what religion u r, u can still make things work n they've wished us the best of luck...
what im trying to say is that if i can make my friends realise that a sikh girl and a muslim guy can get along together fine then there must be a way to also convince the family. I jus dnt no how to because i know my dad is so totally into the past n what happened with Sikh's n muslims then that he's STRONGLY disagree with it-but u can't help how u feel-cud u plz jus giv me sum advice which i could use to my dad that no matter what colour, religion or race u r-everyone is equal n that u cannot judge a person because of these issues...please giv me a few quotes from the Guru Granth Sahib that prove my point

All i've ever wanted is for people to look further than the outside (physical) of a person...plz help me to do this with the help of what our Guru's have taught us



Sat Siri Akal.

Well-I'm not going to give you quotes to prove your point with your dad. Go to the Guru, yourself. Find the quotes, yourself. There's an on-line copy of the Guru here at SikhNet just waiting for you to read and discover. It will be so good for you to go to the Guru and understand what He is saying in your own way, in your own terms. Then, you can really own that wisdom and know how and when to apply it.

Families often live in the past because the memory of the pain that happened is very very powerful. One of the beauties of being in the West is that those prejudices do start to fall away because we get to know one another, even get to love one another, and see that it is possible for us all to get along. So - your relationship with this man does have the potential to heal those wounds if handled with love, devotion, selflessness and dedication to the universal principles of equality and acceptance.

However, when you marry this man know that you are going to need to talk very seriously ahead of time about how your different religions may impact your life, especially when it comes to raising children. It isn't that mixed-religion marriages are not possible. It's that you have to handle it very consciously, considerately and understand from the start what your spouse expects, what you expect and how it all works together. That is the true test of the relationship - how do you negotiate the challenges of life? How do the two traditions work together for the best of the children and the family? How can both paretns agree on what values to give the children? If you can show your parents and your family that you are taking this seriously, and you and your Muslim man are handling yourselves in a mature way - that will go a long way to establishing their sense of security. Remember - this will not be an overnight thing. It will take years of watching the two of you together living the principles of equality and acceptance to impact your family. But if you do it, you will have that imnpact and, in time, trust can happen. The challenge is up to the both of you.

Good luck.

All love.


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