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Summary of Question:Can Stones Heal?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/11/2004 8:22 AM MST

Do gemstones really have healing properties? Like is it true that some gemstones can be good for a persons health if they are worn? Like to relieve stress or anything like that? What is sikhis prospective on this matter? Is it appropriate for a sikh to wear a gemstone necklace for it cud relieve stress? Also Ive read on some sights that certain gemstones are good for our chakras, is that true? Please shed some light.



Sat Siri Akaal. Sikhi takes no specific view of gemstones /crystals and their properties or not. I know some Sikhs think that the idea of rocks, crystals or stones having any kind of 'use' is sheer punditry and to be avoided if one is Sikh. A lot of Amritdhari Sikhs think that wearing jewelry or anything that looks like it is prohibited. It is DURING the amrit ceremony, but I don't believe it was required beyond that. 10th Guru made a point of showing the Mughals that Sikhs are also royalty (that is, that Sikhs are equal to Mughals!) and he wore jewelry to prove it. I think the decision is up to the individual.


Dhan sri guru granth sahib ji tells us that the only healing remedy is to recite naam - not believe in stones. Remember bani talks about not worshipping stone idols of devta's and that the true way to attain good health, happiness and most importantly to realise god is to recite naam. It is the easist route to take. Please do not waste your good time in researching stones.
I was upset by the above reply - it's not about whether or not we should wear jewelery or not - and we should not be a different person when we go in before the panj piare and change when we come out. The fact that gursikhs dont wear jewels is because we want to remain detached from worldly pleasures - the real jewel is gods name. When we go before the panj piare we wear our panj kakkar's and no jewellary - that means that our 5 kakar's are our only jewellary

also the above email says that dhan guru gobind singh ji wore jewels and made a show of royalty?? No - who says he did, just because the paintings show him covered in gold doesnt mean gursikhs should be like that - guru ji gave us the dasthar - the only real crown, that is the symbol of royalty. Please do not see paintings and assume that guru ji's image is like that. The message from guru granth sahib ji is to live a SIMPLE life, detached from worldly pleasures, there is also a quote describing gold as dirt (research that). Do not get caught in rituals or stones or anything else -sikhi is simple keep it like that - the main hukam from akal purukh is to recite naam and gurbani

pul chuk maf karnee

vaheguroo ji ka khalsa vaheguroo ji ke fatheh

Sat Siri AKaal. I stand by my original reply, which is that it is up to the individual. You are correct the only true jewel is the Naam and the hukum of SGGS is to meditate. However, wearing crystals/gemstones/whatever they are called is NOT worshipping them. I never meant that in a heartbeat, nor did I mean that some Sikhs should go out and get jewelry or wear stones. You read all that into my reply. I find great benefit to my own physical body by wearing certain crystals on my person. That does not make me a kurehit Sikh. The literature on stones/crystals properties is extensive. No one NEEDS to research it, but it is a moderator's job to point people to sources where they can get the answer for themselves.
And pictures or not, I firmly believe that in order to set an example for his Sikhs and to show the Mughals that non-muslims were/are equally royal in spirit and being to Mughal emperors, 10th Master did wear jewels of some kind on his person. He is called Sachay Patishah in some bani sung often in gurdwaras, do you think he did not show it??

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