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Summary of Question:Re: Amratdhari's
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/22/2003 5:38 PM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

This post is in response to the person who thinks its wrong for Amritdhari's to go clubbing. Everyone has a right to an opinion and I respect and understand what the person said, but I think its going a little overboard when talking about breathing in air from the polluted environment. Also i'm not Amritdhari, but I hope u won't hold that against me.
I occasionaly go clubbing and I have to agree that the air does get polluted with smoke, but going clubbing is still probably cleaner than (eg) getting on the underground tubes in London! So what would the person who gave their opinions do in that situation? Los Angeles has a huge pollution problem, and then look at places in India like Delhi and Jalundhar!
What I'm trying to say is that the argument is (in my opinion)like making a mountain out of a mole hill. There are more important things in life than discussing the virtues of clubbing, especially when talking about 'drunk people exhaling liquour'!! If I smelt someone's breathe after they'd had a few shots the only thing I'd feel like doing woulg be giving them a mint :) :)
I'm not saying every Amritdhari should go clubbing, but if an Amritdhari feels comfortable going to a club then thats their perogative.
I have a feeling that the person who wrote in their reply will totally disagree with me, but I hope he/she understands that I'm just adding an opinion.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

PS I believe the Gurus are with me wherever I go, and I try my best not to do bad deeds; so in response YES I do believe Guru Gobind Singh Ji would go with me to a club.
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Not having read the previous reply in its entirety, still I would venture my opinion, as you have expressed yours! And that is that to me, the reason that I would not go clubbing is the consciousness of the people there who are drinking and smoking. Drinking clouds the mind, and if one is attempting to experience the Guru's presence and remember God's Name with every breath (which Siri Guru Granth Sahib tells us over and over is what we would be wise to do!) then a club filled with people who are there for sensory pleasure doesn't seem to me to be seeking the company of the sadh sangat,which is another suggestion the Guru makes over and over. Music itself can either raise or lower our consciousness. Gurbani Kirtan is a very different vibration and creates a very different effect from, let's say rock and roll! I'm not saying the latter is bad, only that it affects us differently, and if we want to purify ourselves, and live as Khalsa, then we would seek places and people where there is aspiration to more elevated thoughts and activities, rather than intensifying emotions and sensuality. It's possible that Guru Gobind Singh would go anywhere where he could uplift people's consciousness, but I doubt if any Guru would recommend it as a desirable activity for those of us who have not reached that exalted state of being! It's beautiful that you feel the Guru is with you at all times, but my opinion is that if you jump into the ocean, you're going to get wet, and if you spend time in clubs where people are drinking and smoking, that consciousness is going to rub off on you. Anyway, that's my opinion! Blessings, Sp

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