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Summary of Question:A Few Questions? Pls Help Me Relize What Life Is About?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/30/2005 12:36 PM MDT

hello, i wanted to know something, sikh is one of the newest religion, we have so many relgions in the world and so many different kinds of ppl.

But i sikhism we belive in 1 god, ek onkar.
so ppl that are non-sikhs and eat meat, cut their hair, but pray and are generally good people, do not hurt others, or steal, and try to help others are they considered sinned or good ppl, becuase they are non-sikhs and do not follow the sikh practices? I am confused, god is the creator of all and their is one god, so he is the one that makes, white, chines, black and indians, so i think generally if one prays and is a good person, weather they cut their hair god would accept them. is this true? what does it say in the guru granth sahib?
or are all non-sikhs bad ppl and will be punished when we die?
what does it say in the ggs about death, when we die what happens?
where can i buy the ggs in english so i undersstand what i am reading i live in canada-toronto.
also one last question ; what do u know about sikh or the ggs does it say anything about our palm like when we are born our future is already written in our hands, can we change our fate?
please answer all questions as i need some clarity ... and pls make reference to th ggs.
thanks sooooooooooo much.
(REPLY) Sat Nam. I would suggest that you contact the Sikh Dharma center in Toronto . (Look in the phone book under Sikh Dharma and /or 3HO) Also, you can read the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in English translation on this website. Go to the Home Page and find the link. Finally, go on line to and get a copy of PEACE LAGOON, a book which contains the main Sikh prayers in beautiful English poetry, and especially read, and reread Japji Sahib to start to understand what life is all about. Your questions have really all been addressed on this site many times in many different ways. So, you might want to do a search here on the various topics. SP

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A Few Questions? Pls Help Me Relize What Life Is About? (03/30/2005)
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