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Summary of Question:Re: 4 Feet Hair Also
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 12/10/2002 8:13 AM MST

I would like to add on to the email.Yes, dear thank God you have such beautiful hair. My 2 daughters 11 & 14 have long thick hair like yours (they sit on it).They used to go through what you are going through now (as all their friends would tell them what short hair hairstyle would look good on them).But then there would be adult american's etc. who would see them and say DON'T YOU EVER CUT YOUR HAIR. Till now they have not cut and are very proud of it. People recognize them from their hair (and they love it).Anyway,what I wanted to say was - as a mother I make them wash their hair themselves once a month and the rest I do. When they do wash their hair I have them let me check it if all soap is gone etc. My 14 yr. old now washes it on her own but my little one is still under training. Maybe,your mother-in-law or even your husband can check it for you when you wash them and slowly you will get the hang of it about how to tell when all soap is out. DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR JUST FOR THIS,woman's beauty is her hair and I can bet when you make a bun with your hair or any other hair style you look drop dead gorgeous.All the best.

Thank you for your support. Waheguru!

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